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Wine Network has made every effort to ensure that the information on this website is correct, accurate, and up to date. However, Wine Network takes no responsibility whatsoever for information that is incomplete, inaccurate, or out of date. Wine Network shall not be held liable to any individual or business for any damage or loss which may have occurred from the use of any matter contained on this website. Unless specified, all text and graphics on this website are directed solely at those who access it from New Zealand. Wine Network makes no representation or will not be held liable for any action taken by individuals from other locations. Wine Network assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any links to the Internet or other third-party websites from its website. Once you activate these links, you will leave this website, and Wine Network will not be responsible or liable for the content of any other websites on the Internet to which you may visit from its site.
As well as providing all the necessary information regarding the product, the form is a virtual guarantee to any prospective purchaser that the product that they are considering to purchase complies with New Zealand’s Code of ‘Winery Record Keeping Practices’ as guide lined by New Zealand Winegrowers. Please complete all information Thank You